The GazettE no Brasil!

Em sua pagina oficial do Facebook, a banda The GazettE acaba de confirmar a sua vinda ao Brasil em Abril proximo, a Yamato Music está a frente do projeto, veja o trailer do anuncio da The GazettE World Tour DOGMATIC – TROIS:

Abaixo o anuncio:

A Yamato Music traz pra você…
The GazettE World Tour DOGMATIC – TROIS
Data: 22 de Abril de 2016
Local: Audio Club (Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 694 – Barra Funda – SP)
Mais Informações em breve! the GazettE Official

The Gazette no Brasil

The GazettE world tour 2016…is now official!!!

the GazettE is currently on the road touring nation-wide for their latest album – DOGMA.
But who in their wildest imagination would have foreseen their “DOGMATIC” scenery would eventually spread across the sea? Well, believe it or not, it is happening!
The band has just announced their next tour: the GazettE WORLD TOUR16 DOGMATIC -TROIS-
Shows will be held in territories across the world, from the Americas, both north and south, to the Far East, and finally, the European continent.
With their latest announcement for their next release: single UNDYING, all 13 movement will come to its completion as their DOGMATIC MOVEMENT.

This world tour is surely the key to their DOGMATIC MOVEMENT and PROJECT:DARK AGE.


The Gazette no Brasil 1

Mais detalhes em Breve galeraaaa….